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Michel-Nummer 232

Marken der Freimarkenserie <von 1962> mit schwarzblauem Aufdruck des UNO-Emblems und 1964

5. Mai 1964: Vereinte Nationen

Zur Bildinformation s. Mi-Nr. 211

Zum Ausgabeanlass s. Mi-Nr. 228.
Die hier angeführte Resolution Nr. 187 bestätigt die vorausgegangene vom 4. März 1964.

187 (1964).  Resolution of 13 March 1964


The Security Council,

Having heard the statements of the representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey,

Reaffirming its resolution 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964,

Being deeply concerned over developments in the area,

Noting the progress reported by the Secretary-General in regard to the establishment of a United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus,

Noting the assurance from the Secretary-General that the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus envisaged in resolution 186 (1964) is about to be established and that advance elements of that Force are already en route to Cyprus,

1.  Reaffirms its call upon all Member States, in conformity with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, to refrain from any action or threat of action likely to worsen the situation in the sovereign Republic of Cyprus, or to endanger international peace;

2.  Requests the Secretary-General to press on with his efforts to implement Security Council resolution 186 (1964), and requests Member States to co-operate with the Secretary-General to that end.

Adopted unanimously at the 1103rd meeting.