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Michel-Nummer 831

Flugzeug Airbus 310-200, Flugstreckennetz um Zypern, ICAO-Emblem

21. November 1994: 50 Jahre Internationale Organisation für Zivilluftfahrt (ICAO)

Foundation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

The consequence of the studies initiated by the US and subsequent consultations between the Major Allies was that the US government extended an invitation to 55 States or authorities to attend, in November 1944, an International Civil Aviation Conference in Chicago. Fifty-four States attended this Conference end of which a Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed by 32 States set up the permanent International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as a means to secure international co-operation an highest possible degree of uniformity in regulations and standards, procedures and organisation regarding civil aviation matters. At the same time the International Services Transit Agreement and the International Air Transport Agreement were signed.

So zu lesen auf der Homepage der ICAO: http://www.icao.int/cgi/goto_m.pl?icao/en/hist/history02.htm

Zypern stimmte der oben genannten Konvention, die ursprünglich von 32 Staaten (Postinfo: "26"!) unterzeichnet wurde, am 3. Dezember 1960 zu.