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<Freimarken von 1962> mit vierzeiligem blauen Aufdruck U.N./Resolution/on Cyprus/18 Dec. 1965

31. Januar 1966: Entscheidung der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen in der Zypernfrage

Zur Bildinformation s. Mi-Nr. 204

Information über die Resolution Nr. 219 vom 17. (!) Dezember 1965: s. Mi-Nr. 261.

Text dieser Resolution:

Resolution 219 (1965) of 17 December 1965

The Security Council,

Noting that the report of the Secretary-General dated 10 December 1965 18 states that the United Nations Peace-keeping Force is needed in Cyprus,

Noting that the Government of Cyprus has agreed that in view of the prevailing conditions in the island it is necessary to continue the Force beyond 26 December 1965,

1.  Reaffirms its resolutions 186(1964) of 4 March, 187(1964) of 13 March, 192(1964) of 20 June, 193 (1964) of 9 August, 194 (1964) of 25 September and 198 (1964) of 18 December 1964, 201 (1965) of 19 March, 206 (1965) of 15 June and 207 (1965) of 10 August 1965 and the consensus expressed by the President at the 1143rd meeting, on 11 August 1964;

2.  Extends once again the stationing in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established under Security Council resolution 186 (1964), for an additional period of three months, ending 26 March 1966.

Adopted unanimously at the 1270th meeting.

Quelle: http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/unsc_resolutions.html