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Michel-Nummer 446

Kalksteinstatue (Priester von Aphrodite, 5. Jh. v. Chr.)

7. Juni 1976: Zypriotische Kunstschätze 

aus Museen außerhalb Zyperns

Metropolitan Museum, New York

In der aktuellen Seite (Januar 2005) des Metropolitan Museums wird nicht die Statue der Briefmarke, sondern ein ähnliches Werk dargestellt:

Bearded male votary wearing a wreath <Kranz>, Second quarter of the 5th century B.C. Limestone. Said to be from the temple at Golgoi. The Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription 1874–76 (74.51.2461).

Learn more about the Objects on View in the A. G. Leventis Foundation Gallery
Two limestone statues of men dedicated in the temple at Golgoi are dressed in the Greek manner, each wearing a finely pleated linen chiton (tunic) and a woolen himation (cloak). The soft modeling and sprightly expression of their faces derives from East Greek art of the late 6th century B.C.

A variety of stone funerary monuments are also displayed. The room is dominated by a large limestone sarcophagus from the necropolis of Golgoi. The scenes in low relief, which have parallels in Greek art depict a hunt, a banquet, a chariot, and Perseus, the son of Zeus who decapitated Medusa, the Gorgon who turned men into stone. They show variations in style and detail that were introduced by local sculptors and, indeed, the subjects themselves may be associated with the life of the deceased. Also on view are two grave markers with high reliefs that bring to mind examples from Greece, and two impressive capitals from tall rectangular shafts that show floral motifs derived from Phoenician art. Another terminal for a tall funerary shaft has a pair of elegant sphinxes. A blend of the Greek and the local style of decoration is found in Cypriot jewelry, such as a type of massive, highly ornate loop earring found only on Cyprus. At the same time, the Cypriot ceramic tradition maintained independence from outside influence, as is demonstrated by a group of exuberantly decorated figural pitchers.
